Bot telegram convert pdf to word
Bot telegram convert pdf to word

bot telegram convert pdf to word

Here's an example of how to use the sendMessage method with the request_contact parameter set to true: import telegramīot = telegram.Bot(token='your_bot_token') When this parameter is set to true, a "Share My Contact" button will be displayed to the user, which they can use to send their phone number to the bot. However, there is a way to request the user's phone number from the user themselves by using the request_contact parameter when sending a message using the sendMessage method. The Telegram Bot API does not provide a method to retrieve a user's phone number directly. No, it is not possible to get a user's phone number via the Telegram Bot API using their user ID alone. Calculate the elapsed time by timestamps in C#.Which is the best practice in C# for type casting?.Can you change the contents of a (immutable) string via an unsafe method in C#?.BsonSerializationException when serializing a Dictionary to BSON.Could F# type providers be incorporated in C#.Visual studio Intellitest not working on 64bit projects.Passing data between different controller action methods in C#.Using Windows Authentication in ASP.NET.Have to click away twice from Calendar in WPF.How to post form-data IFormFile with HttpClient in C#?.How to write a scalable TCP/IP based server in C#.Is it possible to dynamically compile and execute C# code fragments?.How to make a ReadOnl圜ollection from a HashSet without copying the elements in C#?.Does C# 7 allow to deconstruct tuples in linq expressions.Casting sbyte to bool and a char to short in C#.How to mock/fake SmtpClient in a UnitTest?.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly '.

Bot telegram convert pdf to word